I didn't write a post yesterday because… procrastination, so
today I’m making up for it by writing a thousand words.
I guess this is a good time to be writing a thousand words,
because I have confession to make. I have an addiction, one that is so private
only my wife knows about it.
I am addicting to listening to comedy radio.
It started about 5 years ago when I get my Samsung Galaxy S1
and all of a sudden had access to THEINTERNET and 1.5 Gigs to access it. I found
a streaming radio app and sampled a selection of what they had: Arabic, techno,
talk back etc…
And then I found comedy radio.
I used to like and listen to certain comedians before this
as well, this however intensified after finding this app and streaming it
whenever I was by myself, when I’m driving long distances, and sometimes I’m on
the bus or the train by myself with headphones. It eventually became so that I listen
to about 15 minutes of comedy every night before I went to sleep.
I don’t know if it was the idea of control of access that
was so exciting, or whether in listening to so much variety and style was
giving me such an insight stand-up comedy as a craft, and the way it’s leveraged
by comedians to push their respective ideologies on to the crowd.
I found some comedians resorted to the lowest common
denominators such as depravity, sex, violence and vulgarity. They surprisingly
had their market, because they seemed quite famous, people laughed and clapped
for their performances which were at times disturbing in how low they ventured
to get the most laughs. Fortunately recently I discovered there are even lower
levels of humor, a friend of mine was telling me about a joke performed by
some of those comedians called the aristocrats, which is so awful I have not even
searched for it, and I recommend you don’t.
Another recent surprise was when Bob Saget (from Full House America’s
Funniest Home Videos) came to Australia for his stand up tour. I was really
excited and even looked up ticket prices because I was actually keen on going.
My memories were of a naturally funny easy going performer. Thankfully my
aforementioned friend recommended I watch some of Bob’s material on youtube to
get a taste of his style. Oh my God it was the most awful not funny bizarre material!
The only way I could explain it is that maybe his innocent father persona from
Full House was losing him many roles and he decided he was going hard in the
other direction.
I didn’t end up going to see his show.
I love watching the comedic performances that are based
around political criticism or social insights. Comedians like George Carlin,
Lewis Black, Chris Rock, Bill Burr, Dave Chappelle and others. Whose insights
into society reveal the hypocrisy of the dominant culture and in doing so,
cause us to both reflect and laugh. Bill Hicks was quite adapt at that, with
his commentary on government and society that at some times I found I disagreed
with, but I still love his humor and delivery.
And then you have those comedians who are just funny, they aren’t
known for their depravity or for their push for any certain causes, they are
just very funny and thoughtful. Their humor comes almost without effort, it
makes it a real pleasure to listen to them. Comedians like Dane Cook, Rodney
Dangerfield (love this guy), Louis CK, Dave Chappelle (yes he gets a mention here
too), Patrice O’Neill, Paul F Tompkins and others. They don’t need to yell or
jump or swear or be vulgar to be funny, the humor just comes out of them, and
it’s genuine and it’s powerful and its’ funny.
When it comes to local comedians in Australia. They have a
lot to compete with when it comes to the global comedy scene, which I why I’m
so excited and love local talent like Aamer Rahman and Nazeem Hussien. Their
material is fresh, relevant, insightful and very funny. It’s a great balance of
substance and delivery that reveals a real genius behind the laughs.
In the local context, their material is seen as an answer on
our behalf to the powers that be; the media’s misrepresentation and vilification
of minorities and the political establishment’s leveraging of this to stoke
fear and win more votes. In that way they are empowering, they use their “powers”
for “good” and in many cases they bear the brunt of their work and words in the
media, on social media and outside comedy clubs by angry drunk men.
Humor is a thing, comedy is a thing, using humor and
wisdom to address power and reveal its hypocrisy is a thing, and it’s important
to support those voices and to cultivate this culture of political and social awareness
in the community.
It took me the whole day to write this post. 500 words is easy
to write in 15 minutes, but somehow a thousand words was a bit of a challenge,
especially when I’m trying to adhere to the basic rules of #500WordsaDay of not
preparing, just writing. I wrote about 600 words, and had to get started with
my day job, and now I’m finishing the rest of the thousand words.
In Conclusion. Comedy is an art form that requires a keen insights
into society and the power structures that control society, and it requires
some great courage to stand on stage and tell jokes and risk people not
laughing! It makes me nervous just thinking about it. What if people don’t laugh
at your jokes!
But I digress.
But I digress.
953. Good enough.
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